My name wasn't always Atticus...
In early May of 2014, All They Need is Love Animal Rescue saved me, my sisters and brothers. I was placed with a wonderful foster mom, Amanda, and given the name Aspen. Later in the month, I began having seizures and I ended up fighting for my life at an emergency veterinary hospital. The cause of my seizures is unknown so when I was ready to leave the hospital the vet said it was best for me to not be returned to my litter. That's when I met my second foster momma. I was only 3.5 pounds but my strength and determination weighed a gazilliondy pounds. So, my momma took care of me and nursed me back to health. My sister Scout was almost 16 years old when she ran over the rainbow bridge. And, my momma thought Atticus was the next best name. And on August 10th, 2014 I was officially adopted and from that day on I was to be called Atticus a.k.a. Atti. I have a cousin Sven, he's a cat...he wears bow ties and one day he gave me a bow tie, it even matched one of his. And, that's when my momma discovered how handsome I look in a bow tie. And the rest of the story...well, that's how I got my "Atti"tude!
About my Family
Family "Atti"tude Album